My vision is to make psychological tools easily accessible so that you can become the very best version of yourself where you achieve a balanced health and inner peace that can last for a lifetime.

It has become clear to us humans that the modern lifestyle of long working hours, high performance demands where we are encouraged to do more to get increased opportunities for financial freedom is not sustainable.

The chronic conditions with various digestive disorders such as IBS, back pain, chronic pain with autoimmune diseases are increasing every day and we don't really seem to be getting any happier. Instead, we feel quite bad and mental conditions have also increased with both anxiety, depression, stress & exhaustion.

I believe that these conditions in many ways become natural when our body and emotional life do not receive the calm, understanding, development that it is made to receive. When subjected to long-term mental and physical stress without sufficient recovery and processing, the body becomes stuck in a chronic emergency mode where it fights for survival.

In order for us humans to feel good, we need to gain an increased understanding of how our body, thoughts and emotional life work so that we can make the changes we need to develop and feel good in the long term. Therefore, I have developed this platform where you can take matters into your own hands and build the life you need and desire.

I want Live And Grow to help you build a holistic lifestyle where your body and soul get what it needs and what it has been missing. Let this be your journey in creating a valuable home and life that both gives you meaning, love, security and peace for you to last a long time.

I welcome you on an inner journey within yourself and to the peace and love that you have been searching for.

// Neira

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