Talk therapy

I am here for you to guide you in your unique journey to self-knowledge and help you deal with the difficulties you face in life based on research-proven psychotherapeutic methods.

I work holistically with both individuals, couples and families who are in need of therapeutic measures and difficult conversations.

It is important to me that you as an individual should feel that you are supported in being able to live according to your values ​​with tools that you can use for life.

Below you can read about the different methods I use in my talks.

As a conversation therapist, I adapt the methods to your specific needs.

Price list:
  • Digital individual therapy SEK 1,100
  • Individual therapy at reception SEK 1,350
  • Digital Couples therapy SEK 1,450
  • Couples therapy at reception SEK 1,600

Conversations for individual therapy are 45 minutes

Calls for couples therapy are 55 min

Book Time Here

Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT

Do you feel that you are stuck and need guidance in understanding how you can effectively and functionally understand yourself and your surroundings?

CBT is a method that helps us understand what our thought patterns, feelings look like and how they affect our behavior in different situations. CBT is an evidence-based and concrete method that can be used to achieve goals, achieve personal development, manage psychological stress and heal painful experiences. CBT is a very effective method for managing anxiety, worry and negative thoughts.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, ACT

Acceptance and commitment therapy is a development of CBT that has a branch of acceptance and mindfulness.

ACT helps us deal with life's various stresses with practical tools that create balance while we learn to follow our values ​​that give us meaning in life. I help you concretize the goals you wish to see to increase your mental well-being.

ACT has many elements from conscious presence that can help us despite mental and physical stress to be able to live a valuable full.

Compassion Focused Therapy, CFT

Compassion based therapy helps you increase your self-compassion.

CFT helps you increase awareness and compassion in how you speak and treat yourself. You learn with concrete tools to take care of your thoughts, feelings and changes in practice.

Prolonged exposure, PE

Do you suffer from PTSD or C-PTSD?

Prolonged exposure is a CBT method that is specially adapted to help you with trauma and complicated trauma to gradually approach and process your feelings and memories in a safe environment while you practice creating the life that gives you security and meaning.

I also use trauma-focused CBT, mindfulness and compassion-focused therapy when working with trauma.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, MBCT

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helps you make the changes you need through conscious presence, meditation & yoga.

Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy, IBCT

Are you a couple / family that too often encountered difficulties / conflicts / misunderstandings?

IBCT guides you in matters such as conflict management, change work & acceptance through concrete strategies step by step. IBCT is a CBT method specially designed for couples and relationships.