Private Coaching

Coaching is for those who want a change in life.

A change can, among other things, concern a general, personal or career development that you want to make.

Sometimes it can be about wanting to change your lifestyle, increase your self-confidence, dare to apply for that job you previously only dared to dream about.

Here are some areas you can get help with:
  • Get better training routines
  • Increase balance in life
  • Stress management
  • Set and follow goals
  • Get started with business
I will help you along the way to identify:
  • Your current location
  • Your desired position in life
  • Your goal
  • Your motivation for change
  • Your obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the goal
  • Your resources that can make you achieve your desired goal
  • A clear action plan for how you can proceed from today to create a change


Digital Coaching SEK 1100 for 45 min

Coaching at reception SEK 1350 for 45 min

Book Time Here